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March 13, 2017

The Standard Property Policy

The popular Commercial Package Policy (CPP) may not be available because of your building’s size, age, construction or its contents. Fortunately there is an alternative, the Standard Property Policy (SPP).

Besides commercial buildings, the SPP also covers completed building additions, property used for maintaining or servicing the building (such as mowing or painting equipment), permanent fixtures (such as permanent shelving), and machinery. The SPP also covers material meant for construction or repairs to a covered building.

The SPP can be used to cover furniture, fixtures that aren’t permanently attached, machinery, equipment, stock, materials and even property that you lease or which belongs to a building (business) tenant. Further, it also protects personal property of others that is under your care or on or near your insured building

Some types of property are excluded. The SPP doesn’t cover money, securities, deeds and similar property. Further, there’s no coverage for animals, illegal goods, parts of the building that are below the ground, cost of digging or excavating, property being transported by sea or air, or property that’s insured by another policy. There are other items that aren’t covered, but most of them fall into the categories of outdoor structures that are beyond the scope of the SPP or items that should be covered by other types of policies.

The coverage provided by the SPP takes care of losses from basic sources such as fire, lightning, and certain kinds of explosions. Further, you have the option of adding coverage for damage caused by wind, hail, smoke, aircraft, vehicles, hostile mobs, sinkholes, leaky sprinklers and volcanoes. The policy even offers several additional coverages to take care of your expense to remove debris, protect property, take care of pollutants or handle a fire department charging you to make a fire run.

If you have a commercial building, then you have the need for protection. Talk to an insurance professional to see if the SPP is a good way to protect your property.

Tags: Commercial buildings, commercial property, real property

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