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September 6, 2017

Homeowners Coverage – Part 2

Part one discussed how a typical homeowner policy covers buildings and structures. Now let’s look at Coverage Part D, which is also a property coverage; as well as Coverage Parts E and F. These latter parts address coverage for injuries to persons or damage to property that belongs to others.

Coverage D, Loss of Use

 This coverage handles the cost of additional living expenses while your home is being repaired. The coverage also applies if the home is unusable. However, the loss or loss of access has to be the result of an event that is covered by the policy. For instance, if your home was damaged during a war and you had to abandon it, Coverage D would not be available because war is excluded. Additional expenses normally include food, housing, and transportation. However, the expenses must exceed what your family normally incurs.

Coverage E, Personal Liability

This Coverage Part responds if you are legally responsible for causing property damage or physical injury. Protection includes paying for your defense costs and any financial judgment for covered incidents. Naturally the coverage would not apply for excluded situations, such as intentional injuries. Example: Joe is sued by a guy he injured after tackling and repeatedly punching him during a pickup basketball game. The injuries from this incident are not accidental and would not be covered.

Coverage F, Medical Payments

This Part provides rapid reimbursement for minor injuries, such as a guest who trips and falls while visiting your home. This coverage does not apply to a family member. For example, if your child and your neighbor’s child are both injured while playing and need to go to the emergency room, this coverage will pay for your neighbor’s expenses but not for your own child.

This is a brief overview of homeowners insurance. All of the coverage provided by the homeowners policy is subject to limitations such as exclusions, policy limits, and deductibles. It’s important that you discuss the details of coverage and any other insurance questions with your insurance agent.

Please be sure to read Part one, which briefly discusses other coverage.

Categories: Blog, Sin categorizar

Tags: homeowners, insurance, part 2

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