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August 3, 2021

Does Home Insurance Cover Siding Damage?

The siding of your home is an important structural component of it. It provides protection to the structure. It also adds value to the property. If damage occurs to it, you should take steps to ensure repairs take place right away. That may include replacement of some or all of the siding. Will home insurance help cover this cost? It could depend on the details of the situation. Here’s more to consider. 
family sitting outside home smiling at camera
What Caused the Damage of the Siding? 
Most home insurance policies include coverage for the siding automatically. Policies often list the type of exterior of your home. Therefore, it should cover the damage to the siding, but this depends on the underlying cause of it.  

Home insurance covers unavoidable damage. This may include damage from a storm or fires that damage siding. It may also cover damage from something striking the siding. Vandalism may also be a covered factor here. 

If the damage is due to any type of poor maintenance, negligence or upkeep, the policy’s coverage might not apply. For example, if you make a camp fire too close to the home, and it causes the siding to ignite, then you might not be able to claim the damage on your policy. 

More so, the policy does not cover damage from normal wear and tear. Simply needing to replace or clean the siding won’t have coverage. However, you will need to take part in these activities to keep the siding in good shape.  

Your agent will need to have more insight into what caused the damage to determine if it will pay for your claim. 

What Will It Pay For? 
Another key factor to consider is how much coverage the policy will (and will not) provide.  

  • If the damage is very localized, the policy may pay just for the coverage of the repairs. This is the most likely case as long as the siding is still available, and it matches the existing structure.  

  • If the damage is widespread, covering more of the home, your policy may not provide enough money to replace all the items at no cost to you. This might also happen if the contractor cannot easily replace it for another reason, and you will have to spend a lot on repairs.


If you have damage to your siding, talk to your home insurance agent about the damage. Talk about what happened and when it occurred. Most often, your home insurance company will accept storm damage claims for up to a year following the incident.  

Follow your home insurer’s advice on the next steps. They can help you find the professionals you need to get this type of repair completed on time. Be sure to document the process. You want to be sure you have photos and documentation to prove what happened to the siding before any repairs start. 

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Tags: home insurance

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