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June 21, 2021

4 Things You Cannot Do When Facing a Workers Compensation Claim

Workers compensation claims can be a tricky subject matter for many employers. When it comes to dealing with a workers compensation claim, employers should make sure that they are doing everything possible to keep themselves in the clear. Otherwise, they could end up facing a lawsuit that may lead to the company paying heavy fines. It is important to understand what your company should avoid when faced with a workers compensation claim. a workers claim form  

Don’t Retaliate Against Your Employee 
Workers compensation insurance exists for your company’s benefit, much like your employees’. With the ability to file a workers compensation claim, your business doesn’t have to worry about facing huge lawsuits from employees injured on the job. After a worker is injured on the job, do not try to retaliate. The following are some measures employers have used in the past to retaliate:  

  • Firing the employee 

  • Demoting the employee 

  • Disciplining the employee 

  • Changing the employee’s position 

  • Reducing the employee’s pay


It is important to speak with all staff to ensure that the employee can easily file their claim, without any form of retaliation during and after the claim has been filed.  

Do Not Violate Preferential Treatment Rules 
A workers comp claim is very different than a person going out on disability. A person who is on workers comp can come back much easier than someone who has been getting disability. As a company, you should be up-to-date on the most recent laws pertaining to when an injured employee may return to work. Not allowing them to come back when they are able to could result in legal complications.  

Settling the Retaliation Claim Separately 
If your company is facing a lawsuit claiming you retaliated against an injured employee and you decide to settle, this should be included in the workers comp settlement. Employers should not do these two separately. It could end up costing the company more money and time in the long run. Additionally, full disclosure will ensure that the company’s representatives do not violate any workers compensation laws. 

File Claims in a Timely Manner 

When an employee is injured, lots of paperwork must be completed by managers — who still have to perform their daily work tasks. With all that they are required to do, it is easy for a manager to allow days to pass before they properly process a workers compensation claim. Mistakes of this nature can be costly to the business because they can harm your employee further. You should file workers compensation claims as soon as possible so that you aren’t exceeding the time frames established by your state. 

Learn more today. Call Riverside Insurance Agency, Inc. at (951) 684-3500 for more information on Riverside workers compensation insurance

Categories: Blog, Sin categorizar

Tags: benefits, compensation, coverage, workers

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